
Poly/Monocrystalline Silicon

Made out of the following materials:

  • Aluminium
  • Glass
  • Copper
  • Polymers
  • Silicon
  • Plastic
  • Easily recyclable:
    • Glass
    • Aluminium frame
    • Copper wires
    • Plastic box
  • Difficult to recycle:
    • Silver
    • Internal copper
    • Toxic metals

CIGS cells

CIGS stands for:

  • Copper
  • Indium
  • Gallium
  • Selenide

Indium and silver both have a high demand in the market, and are difficult to recover at their end‑of‑life stage.

Acid leaching

Acid leaching is a process used to extract valuable metals or minerals from ores or other solid materials. It involves the use of acidic solutions to dissolve the desired components, which can then be separated and further processed.

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Image from­abs/pii/S0959652622004346

Benefits of acid leaching

  • Cost-effectiveness: Acid leaching is often often more cost‑effective than traditional extraction methods. The use of acid solutions can be less expensive than alternative chemical reagents or energy-intensive processes, resulting in lower operational costs.
  • Environmental friendliness: Acid leaching is an environmentally friendly extraction technique. It can reduce the need for harsh chemicals or high-temperature processes that may produce significant amounts of waste or emissions. In some cases, acid leaching can also help in the remediation of contaminated materials or the recovery of valuable resources from waste streams, promoting sustainable practices.

Drawbacks of acid leaching

  • Time-consuming: Acid leaching is slightly more time-consuming than traditional extraction methods. The dissolution of desired components and the subsequent separation processes can require extended periods for adequate extraction and purification. However, advancements in process optimization and technology continue to improve the efficiency and reduce the time requirements of acid leaching techniques.